Take Care of Your Health by Buying Individual Health Insurance

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Take Care of Your Health

Inflation has not even spared the medical bills. How much ever hard you try, but medical expenses are unavoidable. Eating healthy, exercises, leading a disciplined life, all of them cannot keep you away from medical expenses, although may the delay the unavoidable but it is bound to come sooner or later. Medical insurance is like any other insurance where people forms a group and pool their risk which is incurring medical expenses in this particular case. Insurance can be provided by governmental organization or individual insurance companies which may be state owned or by a private company or a public private partnership.

While buying individual health insurance you will find innumerable options which will flash in front of your eyes with their great benefits and make you blind folded. But, be aware as buying individual health insurance is a tricky situation. Sometimes, insurance is also provided by employers to their employees where they cover not only the individual but as well dependents of the employees. This type of insurance is bought in a group by the company. But, if an employee leaves the job, he will no longer be covered in the group insurance plan. So, it is always a good option- buying individual health insurance, which will also take care of not only you but your family as well. It is really beneficial to get insurance early in life as the premiums, or the cost of insurance, increases as the age of a person increases.

While buying individual health insurance companies gets medical tests done of the individual as well as his/her dependents to check whether they suffer from any previous ailments or not. If they suffer then it is the discretion of the company to provide insurance or not. Usually, the company either rejects the individual's application to provide insurance or increases the cost of insurance, which is the premium paid. So, it will be a wise decision- buying individual health insurance early in life. But, sometimes in some states or country, the government makes it mandatory for the insurance companies to provide health insurance to individuals even if they suffer from any ailments. Insurance premiums can be paid yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly, depending on the options provided by the company. Some companies provide all the options thus giving ample choices to the person looking for insurance.

While buying individual health insurance it is crucial to check out the criteria or the diseases which is covered by the insurance plan. Although, the advertisement given by companies are flashy and usually says covering your entire medical expenses but they do not cover all of them. Sometimes they leave out certain diseases or expenses like pregnancy, or expenses where you are hospitalized for less than 24 hours. So, while buying individual health insurance be sure to ask the agent or the person selling the insurance to mention diseases covered by them. Sometimes, the insurance plans comes with many riders as well, these riders are provided with some additional cost like riders for accidents, disability. The most important thing is to pay your premiums regularly as if once it is not paid you will your cover thus, making go over again the whole process of buying individual health insurance again.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4260242

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